WebKKD is the double head version of KK. It has advantages in thin elements with high concrete strength (e. g. prestressed beams). KKR Lifting Inserts are particularly suitable for very thin construction elements. KK SW and KKR SW are special anchors for lifting sandwich wall elements. The curved shape enables lifting at the heavy axis of the wall lry9tvUMEeA8 WebSrons Engineers are manufacturers & exporters of Self Drilling Anchor Bolt Systems from India to Peru. Ourudes Self Drilling Anchor Systems / Self Drilling Anchor Hollow Bolts Systems, Anchor Rods / Anchor Bars / Hollow Threaded Bars, Anchor Nuts, Anchor Plates / Anchor rod tray, Anchor Coupler / Anchor b5TARusBo7OF WebPor medio de la presente le hacemos llegar nuestros cordiales saludos y a la vez presentar a nuestra empresa ANCHORS & DRILLINGS PERÚ S.A.C. la cual brinda soluciones integrales, proveer asesoría, servicios especializados;o perforaciones en general, anclajes químicos, cementicios, epóxicos, inyección de grout y cemento, demoliciones tdTnjwdnGCGj WebProduct Information Software HALFEN FRIMEDA TPA Lifting anchors The HALFEN FRIMEDA Lifting anchor system is a high-quality and cost-effective system for transporting all types of precast elements. The erection anchor allows lifting horizontally produced precast elements without requiring a tilting table. 0sOgdpJNWQUf
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